Immutable Backup abstract imagery

Immutable Backup: Its Crucial Role in Safeguarding Your Data

In today’s digital landscape, where cyberthreats pose a significant threat and unforeseen disasters can strike at any moment, ensuring the security and integrity of your data is crucial. But what exactly is an immutable backup, and why is it so important?

What is immutable backup?

Immutable backup, simply put, means data that is incapable of being changed or altered. It serves as a safeguard against various threats, including ransomware attacks, malware, viruses, equipment malfunctions, human errors, and natural disasters. An immutable backup is a way of protecting data that ensures the data is fixed, unchangeable, encrypted, or unable to be modified.

The significance of immutability cannot be overstated, especially when considering the prevalence of ransomware attacks. Such attacks can take months for businesses to recover from. In a ransomware attack, an organization’s data or systems are encrypted by an attacker and a ransom is demanded before the organization can regain control of its data. What’s worse, traditional backup and recovery systems are often targeted by cybercriminals, leaving organizations vulnerable even in their supposed safety nets.

Immutable backups offer a critical defense against ransomware, ensuring that your data remains resistant to both internal and external threats. It can be accessed any number of times but cannot under any circumstances be written over. In the event of data loss, immutable backups enable swift and seamless restoration, minimizing downtime and facilitating the quick resumption of business operations. The benefits of implementing immutable backups include enhanced data protection, rapid recovery in the event of data loss, peace of mind, meeting compliance and legal requirements, and digital evidence preservation.

How does immutable backup work?

So, how do immutable backups function? When establishing an immutable backup, a pivotal step involves instituting an “object lock” on the data. This lock ensures the data remains unaltered for a specified duration, determined by the user initiating the backup. Throughout this timeframe, the data remains inaccessible but is shielded from any attempts at manipulation or deletion. Upon the lock’s scheduled expiration, the backup is no longer immutable. While it’s possible to make a backup immutable indefinitely, it’s not typical because every organization’s data changes over time. Therefore, periodic replacement of the backup with a new immutable record is necessary to ensure it remains up to date and adequately protected.

Abstract image of repeating orbs

Aunalytics Immutable Backup Solution

At Aunalytics, our immutable cloud backup solution ensures that backup storage repositories in the Aunalytics Cloud cannot be deleted or modified, providing robust protection for your data. A secondary repository that allows for object locking is created within the Aunalytics Cloud tenant portal to the specifications of the customer. The customer creates backup jobs for this repository, and schedules them as they see fit. As the need for storage increases (or decreases), the environment will grow with it.

If the customer is also utilizing Aunalytics Managed Services for their servers, the Managed Service Team (Centralized Services) will manage these backups for the customer. At Aunalytics, safeguarding customer data is of the utmost importance. We uphold stringent measures to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of all data entrusted to us. Our commitment to data protection is not just a policy—it’s a culture woven into every aspect of our operations, fostering trust and reliability among our valued customers.

2024 Ohio Information Security Conference

2024 Ohio Information Security Conference

March 13, 2024

2024 Ohio Information Security Conference

Sinclair Conference Center, Dayton, OH

Aunalytics to Attend and Speak at the 2024 Ohio Information Security Conference

Aunalytics is excited to attend the 2024 Ohio Information Security Conference presented by Technology First in Dayton, OH as a Gold Sponsor. The Aunalytics team is excited to connect with fellow IT professionals to discuss security and innovation in the technology field. Kerry Vickers, CISO of Aunalytics will be joining Max Aulakh, President and Founder of Ignyte, to present “Incident Response Live!” —a tabletop group exercise from 1:30-2:30pm.

2024 Ohio Information Security Conference

23 Taste of IT

2023 Technology First Taste of IT Conference

November 8, 2023

2023 Technology First Taste of IT Conference

Sinclair Conference Center, Dayton, OH

Aunalytics Is Excited to Attend the 2023 Technology First Taste of IT Conference

Aunalytics is excited to attend the 2023 Technology First Taste of IT Conference in Dayton, OH as a Gold Sponsor. The Aunalytics team is excited to connect with fellow IT professionals to discuss security and innovation in the technology field.

23 Taste of IT

Organizations Shift to Cloud-Based Analytics and IT Platforms

Organizations Shift to Cloud-Based Analytics and IT Platforms

The growth rates of cloud-based IT solutions in the areas of analytics and artificial intelligence have been substantial in recent years. The increasing volume of data and the need for faster, more accurate insights have driven organizations to adopt cloud-based analytics solutions at a rapid pace. This has resulted in the growth of cloud-based data warehousing, business intelligence, and big data analytics solutions.

Similarly, the growth of artificial intelligence has been driven by the cloud, as it allows organizations to access powerful AI algorithms and training data without having to invest in expensive hardware. The cloud has also made it possible for organizations to scale AI solutions quickly and easily, leading to an increase in the adoption of cloud-based machine learning and deep learning solutions. These trends are expected to continue as organizations look to leverage the power of AI and analytics to gain a competitive edge in the market.

Organizations Shift to Cloud-Based Analytics and IT Platforms (1)

This growth in cloud-based analytics and AI has been driven by the larger business adoption of cloud IT because of its numerous benefits such as increased flexibility, scalability, and cost savings. Cloud technology allows companies to access their data and applications from anywhere, reducing the need for physical infrastructure and freeing up resources for other areas of the business. This shift towards cloud computing has also improved disaster recovery and business continuity, as data can be stored and accessed remotely. Additionally, with the rise of cloud-based solutions, businesses have been able to access advanced technologies and services without having to invest in expensive hardware and software. This has resulted in increased competitiveness, innovation and better overall business performance.

APIs add efficiency and flexibility to cloud environments

The power behind the most widely adopted cloud platforms are APIs (Application Programming Interfaces), which play a crucial role as they allow different software systems to communicate with each other and access data from the cloud. This has enabled organizations to build custom solutions and integrate disparate systems seamlessly, making the use of cloud technology much more efficient and flexible.

APIs also allow for automation and streamlining of processes, reducing manual errors and freeing up time for more valuable tasks. APIs make it possible to add new functionality and services to existing systems, allowing for continuous improvement and innovation. In essence, APIs provide a bridge between the cloud and an organization’s systems, enabling organizations to harness the full potential of cloud computing and drive digital transformation.

Analytics moves to the cloud

In terms of business outcomes, cloud-based analytics allow businesses to access and process large amounts of data in real-time, regardless of the size or location of their operations. This enables organizations to make informed decisions quickly and respond to changing market conditions with agility. Secondly, these solutions are much more cost-effective, as businesses only pay for what they use and do not have to invest in expensive hardware or IT infrastructure. The cloud provides businesses with access to a wide range of advanced analytics tools and technologies, enabling them to gain insights from their data in new and innovative ways. These solutions are highly secure and reliable when they are managed by experienced cloud service providers who ensure that data is protected and the solution is always available. Overall, they are considered to be a better choice for businesses because of their scalability, flexibility, cost-effectiveness, and secure approach to data analysis.

Likewise, cloud-based AI or AI as a Service (AIaaS) provides organizations with access to deep insights without having to invest in expensive experts or the necessary hardware and software to implement such solutions. This makes it easier for organizations to deploy and scale AI solutions as they only pay for what they use and do not have to invest in maintaining their own infrastructure. Furthermore, these solutions are more flexible and can be customized to meet specific business requirements, enabling organizations to generate valuable insights that help them to differentiate from their competitors. Finally, cloud-based AI makes it possible for organizations to collaborate and share AI models, allowing them to leverage the collective expertise of their partners, customers, and employees to create better solutions. In short, it is a high-value choice for businesses as it provides a more accessible, scalable, affordable, and collaborative approach to artificial intelligence.

Moving to the cloud accelerates digital transformation

Leading research and advisory firm Gartner reported that “Cloud migration is not stopping, IaaS will naturally continue to grow as businesses accelerate IT modernization initiatives to minimize risk and optimize costs. Moving operations to the cloud also reduces capital expenditures by extending cash outlays over a subscription term, a key benefit in an environment where cash may be critical to maintain operations.”

Aunalytics provides a highly redundant and scalable cloud infrastructure that enables midsized businesses to reap the benefits of the cloud at a reasonable cost. The Aunalytics Cloud provides a wide range of solutions—including cloud storage, backup and disaster recovery, application hosting, advanced analytics, and AI. Moving from on-premises computing to a cloud environment is a key step in an organization’s digital transformation.

VMUG UserCon 2023

VMUG Indianapolis UserCon 2023

July 20, 2023

VMUG Indianapolis UserCon 2023

The Westin Indianapolis, Indianapolis, IN

Aunalytics to Attend VMUG User Group Indianapolis as a Bronze Sponsor

Aunalytics is excited to attend the VMWare User Group’s 2023 UserCon – Indianapolis. Aunalytics is participating as a Bronze sponsor and our team is excited to connect with fellow IT professionals to discuss digital transformation and innovation in the technology field.

VMUG UserCon 2023

Financial Institution Cyber Attacks Are on the Rise—Your Institution Is Not Immune

Financial Institution Cyber Attacks Are on the Rise—Your Institution Is Not Immune

With recent uncertainty in the economy and bank closures hitting the news this year, you may be scrambling to find ways to increase deposits to protect your institution. But a larger, more urgent risk has always been lurking. With over half of financial institutions reporting cyber attacks in a single year, your organization may be next.

Nearly every day we learn of new horror stories from financial institutions who were the victims of elaborate attacks—in fact, 55% reported being a victim of a cyber-attack in a single year.

Bad actors are becoming more sophisticated in their methods. These prevalent attacks have high costs to your business uptime and productivity. A bad attack can also damage your reputation due to closure and data loss, while still costing your bank or credit union large sums of money to pay off ransoms—and you may not even get all of your data back.

55% of financial institutions were hit by ransomware in the previous year

Financial institutions hit by cyber-attacks pay, on average, $272,655 in ransom payments. And the average overall cost to remediate the ransomware attack in this sector is $1.59 million.

Do you know where your data lives?

Where you store your data matters, and your storage location may not be optimal for disaster recovery. Storing your backups locally, even if located at another of your facilities, may not protect your data from unknown risks.

In-house servers require large capital expenditures, and you miss out on economies of scale for regular upkeep and maintenance. Giant vendors may seem convenient, but you won’t know exactly where your data resides, and you lose control over the environment.

There’s a  better way—Aunalytics backup and disaster recovery solutions can help you avoid losing data or paying large ransoms. We offer concierge solutions tailored to community banks and credit unions—helping you stay steps ahead of increasingly malicious attackers.

Enterprise Cloud Solutions Allow Businesses to Scale and Thrive

Backup and disaster recovery solutions enable the continuous operations of an organization during a disaster event, whether it involves a set of networks or servers, or when all primary IT services have become unavailable. Our solutions leverage the power of data, analytics, and Machine Learning. Disaster Recovery Services, coupled with a comprehensive backup and archival strategy, allow you to remain confident that you are prepared should your business encounter a disaster event.

How State and Local Governments Can Use Technology to Overcome Economic Challenges

How State and Local Governments Can Use Technology to Overcome Economic Challenges


How State and Local Governments Can Use Technology to Overcome Economic Challenges

At present, state and local governments are confronted with significant challenges stemming from the current state of the economy. This includes a decrease in tax revenues, sustained high inflation, and a shortage of proficient IT personnel, who are vital to their day-to-day operations. Industry experts consider technology as an effective solution to address inadequacies during challenging economic periods.

How State and Local Governments Can Use Technology to Overcome Economic Challenges
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How State and Local Governments Can Use Technology to Overcome Economic Challenges

How State and Local Governments Can Use Technology to Overcome Economic Challenges


How State and Local Governments Can Use Technology to Overcome Economic Challenges

At present, state and local governments are confronted with significant challenges stemming from the current state of the economy. This includes a decrease in tax revenues, sustained high inflation, and a shortage of proficient IT personnel, who are vital to their day-to-day operations. Industry experts consider technology as an effective solution to address inadequacies during challenging economic periods.

Ransomware Attacks in Manufacturing Pose An Increasing Threat

Ransomware Attacks in Manufacturing Pose An Increasing Threat

Cyberattacks are a constant threat to organizations of all sizes. Manufacturing and production industries may have experienced fewer cyberattacks than other industries, but companies are still at risk from bad actors. To gain a better understanding of the current attack environment and track changes over time in ransomware trends, Aunalytics security partner Sophos commissioned an independent, vendor-agnostic survey of 5,600 IT professionals in mid-sized organizations across 31 countries. Out of all the respondents, 419 were from the manufacturing and production industry. This survey was conducted in January and early February of 2022. While it’s true cyber insurance has been playing a greater role in helping organizations improve their ability to recover from attacks, survey responses clearly indicate the rising threat ransomware poses to the manufacturing industry.

Cyberattacks Are Up From Previous Year

Ransomware attacks have increased significantly over the past year—55% of manufacturing and production organizations surveyed were hit by an attack in 2021, up 36% from 2020. Bad actors are now considerably more capable of attacking businesses and executing harmful tactics at scale. The Ransomware-as-a-Service model is one cause of this year’s increased attacks, as the required skill level for bad actors to hamper the day-to-day operations of an organization has gone down significantly.

55% of manufacturing and production organizations were hit by ransomware in 2022

Apart from the rising prevalence of these attacks, the sheer complexity of each attack is also on an upwards trajectory. While the manufacturing and production industry reported the lowest rate of ransomware attacks, but, with over half of all respondents in all surveyed industries reporting that their company was been injured by bad actors, the reality is that every organization is at high risk of attack. In 2021, 57% of attacks in the manufacturing and production industry resulted in important data being encrypted. Additionally, 59% percent of organizations who experienced cyberattacks saw the complexity of the attacks increase, while 61% saw an increase in the overall volume of cyberattacks.

57% had data encrypted in attack
Data Recovery Rates Are Improving

While the increase in cyberattacks paints a bleak picture, there is a silver lining to this dark cloud. 96% of manufacturing and production organizations were able to get some of their encrypted data back. The top method used to restore data was backups, which were used by 58% of organizations whose data was encrypted in an attack. Unfortunately, despite the utilization of backups, a third of the effected organizations still had to pay a ransom to ensure that more their data was restored.

Unfortunately, while paying a ransom typically allows organizations to get some data back, it is proving to be less effective than in years past. On average, in 2021, organizations that paid a ransom only got back 59% of their data, and only 7% of those that paid the ransom got ALL of their data back. This highlights the importance of employing multiple methods to restore data—utilizing backups in particular can improve the speed of recovery and increase the amount of data that can be recovered in the event of an attack.

59% of data restored in manufacturing
7% of manufacturers got ALL data back after paying the ransom
Ransom Payments Have Increased

The average ransom pay-out has seen an exponential increase from what was reported in 2020 data, rising from an average of $147K (USD) to a jaw-dropping $2,036,189 (USD) in 2021.

Ransom paid by manufacturing and production organizations
Ransomware Has a Massive Impact on a Company’s Financial Status and Operational Capacity

Even when some of the encrypted data is restored after a cyber-attack, there are additional costs in the form  of lost productivity and a decline in operational capacity, which can have a considerable impact on your company. Of those hit by ransomware last year, 77% said their most significant attack impacted their ability to operate, while 71% said it caused them to lose business and/or revenue. The average cost to remediate an attack in 2021 was $1.23M (USD), down from $1.52M (USD) in 2020. This was due in part to cyber insurance providers being able to better guide victims through an effective response more rapidly.

Although there have been improvements in total recovery time over the years, it still took, on average, one week for manufacturing and production organizations to fully recover from the most significant attacks.

Impact of attacks on manufacturing and production

Despite the huge economic costs of ransomware attacks, many organizations are continuing to put their faith in defenses that don’t actually prevent ransomware—only more quickly mitigate its effects. Most of the organizations in the survey who weren’t hit by ransomware in the past year and didn’t expect to be hit in the future cited backups and cyber insurance as reasons why they don’t anticipate an attack. It’s important to note that neither of these elements can actually prevent cyber-attacks.

Simply having security mitigation resources in place does not mean that they will be effective against malicious attacks. Despite having ample resources—in both personnel and technology—organizations will not achieve a high return on investment without a combination of the right technology and expertise to use the technology effectively.

Cyber Insurance Drives Changes to Cyber Defenses

Thankfully, organizations do not have to shoulder the burden of ransomware costs all on their own. The survey found that three out of four manufacturing and production organizations had insurance against ransomware attacks. Organizations that had been previously hit by ransomware attacks in the past were much more likely to have cyber insurance coverage against ransomware. However, many respondents indicated that securing coverage has changed or gotten more difficult to obtain in the past year:

  • 56% said the level of cybersecurity they need to qualify is now higher
  • 53% said policies are now more complex
  • 42% said it is more expensive
  • 35% said fewer companies offer cyber insurance
  • 30% said the process takes longer

As a result, 97% of organizations that have cyber insurance have made changes to their cyber defenses to improve their cyber insurance position. 70% have implemented new technologies and services, while 63% have increased staff training and educational activities, and 59% have changed processes and behaviors.

But It Doesn’t End There

The State of Ransomware 2022 survey by Sophos has revealed that ransomware continues to be an imminent threat for the manufacturing and production industry. For many, choosing an experienced partner with expertise in cybersecurity not only improves their chances of getting approved for the right amount of cyber insurance coverage, but can also ensure that companies see an higher return on investment and improved ability to both prevent and mitigate attacks in the future.

2023 Catalyst University

Catalyst University 2023

January 25 & 26, 2023

Catalyst University 2023

Radisson Plaza Hotel, Kalamazoo, MI

Aunalytics to Attend 2023 Catalyst University

Aunalytics is excited attend Southwest Michigan First’s Catalyst University 2022 in Kalamazoo, MI. Aunalytics is participating as a speaker sponsor and is pleased to present Mitch Albom, who is a best-selling author, journalist, screenwriter, playwright, radio and television broadcaster, and musician.

2023 Catalyst University